For Contest: Business Logo Design

Design Entries

  • #52

    Design by RejekineZahira for Contest: Business Logo Design
  • #59

    Design by RejekineZahira for Contest: Business Logo Design
  • #60

    Design by RejekineZahira for Contest: Business Logo Design
  • #111

    Design by RejekineZahira for Contest: Business Logo Design
  • #112

    Design by RejekineZahira for Contest: Business Logo Design


user avatar RejekineZahira Designer
Sat, 04 Jan 2025 11:14:32 +0000

This logo combines the letter O as the initials of ON, the letter F as the initials of FIELD and the RECOVERY symbol as a reinforcement and explanation of the implied message.

This logo appears strong and gives a deep impression and is made with a simple approach, a modern visual appearance, stunning and its ease of application into various media, both offline and online, both in print and in digital form (icons, favicons etc.).