Design Resources

Places where Freelance Graphic Designers can look for work

Places where Freelance Graphic Designers can look for work

Not everyone out there needs a logo, website or stationery. If you are a freelance graphic designer who is looking for some work, you will have to think out of the box.

Many people out there who are not professional or does not have much idea about graphic designing think that graphic design is all about designing websites, but the fact of the matter is there is a lot more to graphic designing than just designing websites. There are many different options available.

News papers and Magazines

News papers and Magazines

Newspapers and magazines are some of the better outlets if you are looking for some freelance work. Most of the articles start with the image of the reporter; it’s the job of the graphic designer to make sure that everything is aligned properly.

Online Design Marketplaces

Website hosting Companies

Online marketplaces such as design contests websites and other marketplaces websites based on bids are quite possibly the most common places if you are a graphic designer looking for some freelance work.

Entertainment Industry

Entertainment Industry

The work at an entertainment industry can vary from designing a CD cover, a DVD cover or something for a novel.

Advertising Agencies

Advertising Agencies

Advertising agencies are always on the hunt for freelance graphic designers, with all the brochures and catalogues needed for an advertising campaign, there is a lot of work for graphic designs. Advertising agencies are running on tight schedules more often than not so there is always plenty of work for freelance graphic designers.

Road and Advertising Signs

Road and Advertising Signs

There is a lot of hard work and time spent in creating road sign which all of us take granted. All of this does not only include the signs but also the company logos.

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