Roadhogs is a brand for clothing which was launched by a bunch of friends trying to grow a following through Peloton Group.The business was looking to develop a logo for their clothing brand.
They used to host their logo design contest at 110Designs, which is a leading logo design marketplace; and offered a total of $300 prize for 3 winners; i.e., $145 for the logo design they loved the most and ranked 1st winner, following up with a $100 for the runner-up design and $55 for 3rd winning design for their contest.
They precisely described in the design brief of what type of logo they are looking for, which really helped designers to get focused on the creativity to come up with a logo as per their requirements.
Need a logo with a hog riding a motorcycle or bicycle. Colors are cardinal red and silver.
The creative brief said that they need a logo with a hog riding a motorcycle or bicycle. And for the color palette they wanted were cardinal red and silver. They required an addition logo with color palette of yellow and silver for the group leader.
As they have described the look and feel of the logo including what graphics they wanted to include in the logo, all the designers had to do is making the graphics with creative styles that really reflect the business brand. Take a look at some of the unique logo concepts which our design professionals initially brought up for Roadhogs:
The clothing logo contest received a total of 56 designs from 15 designers and finally decided to choose the 3 top tremendous winners as they promised the design community. Take a look at the 3 winning logo designs:

1st Winner
Logo Design by: merapiproduction

2nd Winner
Logo Design by: elective

3rd Winner
Logo Design by: Ampi
This definitely is a risk-free, quick and simple way of getting a fresh, custom-made logo design at a wonderful price! Start your own logo design contest now.
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